About the project
The app allows Russian citizens to anonymously express their attitude to famous personalities, politicians, public figures and current problems of the region by adding likes and dislikes.
You can propose your initiatives on any socio-political issues, add your candidate for the public vote, or nominate yourself.
You can propose your initiatives on any socio-political issues, add your candidate for the public vote, or nominate yourself.
The "GosSlugi" app is a public initiative. The client wanted to know and show what people really think about politicians, public figures and events in the country.
We needed to make an app that would help develop the civil society in Russia, improve the quality of the authorities' work and reflect citizens' real political preferences.
We had not solved this problem before, so we had to develop solutions for iOS and Android from scratch and create an administrator panel to manage the content in the application.
We needed to make an app that would help develop the civil society in Russia, improve the quality of the authorities' work and reflect citizens' real political preferences.
We had not solved this problem before, so we had to develop solutions for iOS and Android from scratch and create an administrator panel to manage the content in the application.
We broke the project into two stages. First we made an MVP, so we could upload the app and check whether it would pass moderation, taking into account Apple's prohibition on apps with a direct assessment of people. And after that we started developing the full version.
At the second stage, we implemented all the features that were missing in the test version, as well as refined the functionality based on the wishes of the customer and the requirements of the vendors. Thanks to MVP we were able to clearly understand what the application should and can be and make it faster.
Alexander Khrushchev
Technical Director, WINFOX
Firebase Authentication was used for authorization. This allows the app to store user data and personal settings in secure cloud storage, and the user can quickly log in to the app on any of their devices.
For data storage, we chose Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase Storage services. So the application is not afraid of DDOS-attacks on the backend, which are quite probable, given the tasks of the service
Alexander Khrushchev
Technical Director, WINFOX
The hardest part was meeting the requirements of the app stores, especially the App Store. Moderators rejected the publication several times because the app displays third-party content and objective assessment of real personalities, there is payment for in-app purchases bypassing the app store, and there was no COVID-19 alert.
The problems with displaying third-party content and pandemic alerts were solved promptly. But for in-app purchases we had to do some serious rework, which caused the app to be tested repeatedly and for a long time. We had to communicate with App Store technicians more than once, make several phone calls and make improvements so that the app would still be able to give an objective assessment of real-life individuals.
The problems with displaying third-party content and pandemic alerts were solved promptly. But for in-app purchases we had to do some serious rework, which caused the app to be tested repeatedly and for a long time. We had to communicate with App Store technicians more than once, make several phone calls and make improvements so that the app would still be able to give an objective assessment of real-life individuals.
We worked in stages. All decisions potentially affecting the publication of apps in the storerooms were divided into small subtasks, each of which we added to a separate release and sent it for moderation. This made things much faster.
Alexander Khrushchev
Technical Director, WINFOX
The high level of professionalism of the WINFOX staff and their extensive experience helped us overcome difficulties. In addition, the account director of the studio not only established effective communication with developers, but also advised us on possible risks and promotion - this made the work easier.
Bogdan Grachev
CEO «Rating Analytics»

Main screens
Photos of public figures, for which a real rating is formed, are displayed in the form of tiles. By clicking on the image, you can "Like" or "Dislike" the image to leave your opinion about the politician, and see the statistics of the votes.

In this section you can evaluate not politicians, but other public figures: bloggers, journalists, actors, TV presenters.

Initiatives are collected here for discussion. Under each one you can leave your opinion or support the initiative with a donation.
Icons and numbers allow you to quickly read basic information without opening the initiative.
Dmitry Solopakho
WINFOX UX/UI designer

By specifying a region, the user can view politicians who work there and support local initiatives. You can also rate the leaders of other countries.

In this section you can quickly change your region, share the app, read and adjust notifications.

What can
the app do
the app do
Authorization by phone number
The user enters a number and instantly receives an SMS with a code. This code is inserted into the input field automatically - no need to enter it manually

Guide through the app
When the user first logs in, he sees several screens that explain what the main screens are in the app and how to use the service.

Adding a person
Any user can add their own candidate or themselves. After payment and moderation, the candidate will appear in the app and compete for the top spot.

Sending donations
To add a person or support an initiative, you need to make a donation. The app uses internal currency: 1 donation = 10 rubles.

Bringing to the top
The reserve screen displays three contenders for the top, which is displayed on the main screen of the section. The ranking of applicants is generated automatically based on user ratings and the amount of donations.

Statistics for any period
You can see how the rating of the politician has changed. To do this, select a period, for example a month or two weeks - and the screen will show the dynamics of the votes.
There is a banner at the bottom of the screen. By clicking on it, the user will go to the project community in the social network, where he can discuss a person or a problem with others.
Dmitry Solopakho
UX/UI designer of WINFOX

Addition of the initiative
You can add your offer in a couple of clicks. All you have to do is enter a name and describe the content in the input fields.

Filter initiatives
To sort initiatives by interest or donation, simply click on the filter icon next to the search bar and select your choice from the drop-down list.

Search by region
By starting to enter a region name, the user will see all the options with matches so they can quickly select the right one. Scroll through the list to see all available regions.

Moderation notifications
Added initiatives and personas are displayed in the app once they have passed moderation. When this happens, the user will receive a notification - and can get back to work.

We made an app that allows you to find out the opinions of citizens about public figures, politicians and events in the country. This app is used for expressing attitude toward personalities and current problems, and to promote important social initiatives in different regions.
Thanks to complete anonymity, users are happy to express their real opinions - the app displays the real political picture and real ratings of famous people.
Thanks to complete anonymity, users are happy to express their real opinions - the app displays the real political picture and real ratings of famous people.
The app allowed us to respond to social demand. We plan to monetize the service by having users pay for their content. In the future we want to add various metrics and possibly link this with blockchain.
Bogdan Grachev
CEO of «Rating-Analytics»
Project Manager
Bogdan Melnik
Technical Director
Alexander Khrushchev
Alexander Matyukhin
Dmitry Rosenblum
Edgar Tomasov
Dmitry Rosenblum
Edgar Tomasov
UX/UI designer
Dmitry Solopakho